Archive for September, 2010

coming love interest spread : update

hi there,

this is the original post, where I tried to know about my coming love interest …. and below you have the feedback !

I copy/paste the original comments and in bold dark green is what is correct about the reading

Seriously, I am amazed by the accuracy …

this is the orignial post :

9 of pentacles
Independant and single : absolutely right !
He is very independant and definitely was single for quite a while.

Also, in this deck this lady is the only character dark skinned :
I always thought of her as standing out from the rest of the crowd.
Matter of factly, I was reading his posts on a forum, and his avatar and his posts were standing out.
So much that, for weeks, I used to come home, log myself to the site, and read his posts …. It was my pleasure of the day !

original post

9 of pentacles is a man who is independent and single.
He might be financially well off and knows how to enjoy the finest things in life. He worked in order to have what he has now in life.

Knight of cups. (his job)
Well interestingly enough, on this deck there is a river on this card.
And he works on a boat so he is on a river ….
So, not a musician, as I first thought, not an actor, even though he likes music but then, the card should have been read quite literally here

original post :

a work related to art ( such as acting, music …); my guess is he has to deal with a public. This knight is like a troubadour, his job requires him to be a little bit bohemian. His job require to be in tune with other people’s feelings and to understand them and to respond to them.

emperor /his quality :
definitely. this one was totally right.

He is stable and is offering security, could be someone protective of me.
He has no problem assuming responsibility. He is practical and strong.

the sun /his flaw :
well I think his problem, here is related to health (the heart).
now everything got back to fine. he is also is stubborn and won’t mince his words … so not exactly an ego problem, pers se, but he is someone who will fight to make his opinion heard or something ….

original post :

at first I thought “his ego” ? If indeed he has a job dealing with a public of some sort, he enjoys being in the spotlight.
Or he is over ambitious and hates second best. If he is very involved with his work he might be burn out. Other idea that came then to my mind : he might lack of optimism or fun in his life.

2 of swords / his looks
completely right.

original post

Something about the eyes : deep set and moody.(don’t know why but this is exactly what came to my mind, also almond shape). He may look shy and reserved, somewhat lonely and sad. Always thinking about something.
I would also add : dark eyes and hair. Maybe people find him a little bit of a mystery, hard to decipher.

7 of cups / what he’ll think of me
well, when we met in person, he was actually pleased and certainly not disappointed.
he only had seen a couple of pictures of me, as we met online (but not on a dating site at all)

original post :

He will be tempted like a kid in a candy store ? Apparently I might look like an illusion to him.
(this card is lovely by the way in the morgan greer deck). I hope I will look like a dream come true to him and not like an illusion or worse high on something given the meaning of this card lol. Also, he will notice a lot of details about me.

3 of pentacles / what I will think of him
just right, he was my favorite person on the forum where we met  : dedicated and someone to learn from.

original post :

That he is good at what he does, committed and an avid learner. Aesthetics is also a theme for the 3 of pentacles, so I’ll say I will like the way he looks. The worker on the card is dressed up in a very casual way, working clothes; so I might actually think that he is a very cool and relaxed type of guy.

knight of pentacles
well, yes he is quite serious and is not the type of guy to have flings.
we are about to move in together at the end of the month so ….

original post :

Apparently he will think about being serious and long commitment will be on his mind. He’ll wish for something solid to built upon.

the world
well definitely.
funnily enough, I was reading his posts online and just knew I would meet him someday.
I didn’t hit me then, that he was the one I was looking for.
I just was interested by his views, and loved his way with words.

original post :

He will mean the world to me. I’ll feel like he is “the one” I have been looking for. (needless to say, I was happy to see this card coming up).

the 6 of swords
we both have a tough past, and we are so leaving that behind.
we take the opportunity to leave that sadness behind and move on with our lives together.

original post :

This relationship will help to put the past behind and move from a trouble past.
What we both have been through will help to understand each other and cement the relationship.

kind of rod
well …. yeah! he doesn’t mince his words. Neither do I.

original post :

We will fight for authority.

8 of wands
we met online, didn’t live in the same country, met in real life, and for several months
it’s been moving a lot , travelling in order to meet and spent some quality time together while still being people who have a day job …. and now we are moving together.

original post :

I have read that traditionally the 8 of wands was the falling in love card ! The 8 of wands is sometimes showing a fling when it come to relationship. But as this card come for the long term potential and the rest of the spread is positive, I won’t read it as such.

So, the 8 of wands will take us far. We will be great “traveling” partners
looks like this relationship won’t be the boring kind with the 8 of wands. It will keep us up and going … Life will take on a different speed, a lot of intensity. More than welcome, really !

so what do you think ?

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