Archive for November 3, 2008

The Grand Tableau / Workshop 1, Part 4

This is the 4th part of the first workshop. The cards that will be used for this part of the reading are shown in the picture. You can actually click on the image for a larger view. As said in the post explaining the theory of the Grand Tableau, the cards on the left of the querent’s card are showing the last 6 months. Cards on the right are about the next 6 months, and so are the cards below the querent.

Cards on the left : the Cross and the Ship.
Somehow, I feel like I am not going stay where I am living now. I wanted to travel, but due to several reasons, I actually didn’t go abroad this summer. Instead, I worked a lot with Lenormand cards and the tarot. But somehow I don’t exactly feel like this is about that travel, I think it reflects a period of waiting, a long one. A period during which you are doing a lot of learning about yourself, life and reflect upon things. Karmic waiting.

Cards on the right : the Garden, the Mountain, the Heart, the Sun, the Man.

I love the Garden card as it means sociable, networking, connection, an audience … but here unfortunately it is followed by the Mountain card, which is actually the only “bad” card of that line … The Mountain might means a blockage of some sort, it also stands for something in the way, something that is far away also. The Heart which is following is the card that stands for love. The 3 cards together seems to imply loneliness and isolation. The Heart, the Sun followed by the Man card is indicating a successful and happy relationship. The Man card is in the house 24, which is the house of the Heart. If the mountain stands for things that are far away : it may imply that the person is a foreigner. Someone that lives abroad. At least geographically away from me. If the Mountain stands for obstacle, there will be some serious delay before meeting that wonderful individual. So the idea is : love is out of reach for the moment. It will come your way, but there is that mountain to climb first … (now I am curious 😉 )

Cards below the card : the Moon, and the House
A dream home ? maybe, but again, it shows my involvement at home with anything that is around cards and astrology … esoteric studies.

Hope this helps you for the reading of the Grand Tableau

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The Grand Tableau / Part 10

Next on the theory of the Grand Tableau, this is the 10th part concerning the theory. As shown in the picture, the cards standing on the left of the querent’s card will give you informations about the past, the last 6 months. If the card of the querent is standing on the far left, there is no card representing the past of the last 6 months. It implies the querent is very future oriented. The cards on the right of the querent’s cards (on the same line) represents the future of the next 6 months. The cards below the querent also stand for the next 6 months.If the card of the querent is standing on the far right, it means the past has lot of importance. There might be issues that still have to be dealt with … Hope this helps, see the next post which is a case analysis about this part of the spread !


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