Posts tagged The Lenormand cards

The Grand Tableau / Workshop 1, Part 5

Here is the 5th part of the Workshop, the first one dedicated to the analysis of a Grand Tableau. You may check the theory covered by clicking on the “Grand Tableau” category on the left side of the page. To make it easier to analyse, I broke down the analysis in several parts. Here we go, …

Upper left : Coffin and Clouds / last 2 weeks
this is actually the fact that I quit (coffin) smoking (clouds); following the news that my father was actually ill (coffin) because of smoking (clouds). The day he learned and told me about it, I stopped. Of course, I always knew that smoking wasn’t healthy, but the thing is I love a cigarette. The day he told me he had to start a chemotherapy was a reality check. One thing though : this is more than 2 weeks ago. But there were no other major (or even minor) event that could relate to the coffin and the clouds. I mean THAT was enough !

Upper right : Lily and Tree (the next 2 weeks)
oh, this looks like related to health. Well I already have the answer to what this combo stands for. My neck and back are aching like crazy and I have to be careful with every move I make. I have had this problem before and now I am back again with it. The lily stands here for “aging” … I yet hesitates between acupuncture or a chiropractor… Sometime the Lily also stands for an older man. Again, this combo could be that we are following my father’s health as he has started his treatment. (the Tree is actually in the house of the Tree, so somewhat accentuated here I guess. And the Lily is within the House of the Birds : so stress and worries).

Below left : Rider (older past)

Being active. Yes, that fits. I got involved in several projects. In this diagonal there is only one card so there is not so much information here. *(Funnily enough : the rider can sometimes stands for a vehicle such as a motorcycle, and the rider is in the house of the Book … there was a writing project, that is still on the side and the motorcycle has a major “role” so to speak …spooky)*

Below right : Fish, Stars (future : 6 to 12 months)
As stated before, I wish to develop my activities as a reader. Writing stuff about Lenormand and the Tarot. This could be the sign of a business around esoteric matters. This is my ideal at the moment, and I am working toward that goal, step by step. I am though wondering : the Fish is in the house of the Man, and the Star in the House of the Anchor. Meeting an independent well traveled man who is well known in his activity ? Could be … We will see what happens then throughout the year …

Hope this helps your exploration of the Grand Tableau,

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The Grand Tableau / Workshop 1, part 2

This is still on the topic of the Grand Tableau, the second part of the workshop as I like to call it. The workshop will consists in applying the theory covered in the posts dedicated to this peculiar layout. You can easily access the theory by clicking in the category “the grand tableau” on the right side of the page.
So this post will be related to the last 4 cards in the spread. In this example, the House, the Key, the Star, and finally the Crossroads. The way to read the cards is to divide this into 2 units : the part on the left, and then the part on the right. Finally one read the 4 cards into one single unit.

The House and the Key
: a sense of security, the entrance, the home is safe, protected. And then the Star and the Crossroads : a spiritual path, a chosen way. This is concerning the next 4 or 6 weeks. Apparently, I will continue on my way : developing my concern and workshops about esoteric learning. I wish to write a book, develop some sort of e-learning about Tarot and the Lenormand Oracle deck. So those cards, it seems to me are actually reflecting just that. I have a lot on my plate it seems, as the Crossroads imply “multiplicity”. As the Crossroads is the last house of the spread, thus the house of the Cross : it shows the karmic aspect to it. A life choice, an important step to be taken. The Star is in the Anchor house (house 35), it shows the stability of my work and of course, the spiritual side of it as well. Anchor is the key card for work and stability. Anchor is also standing for things that are long term, indeed it fits in my view of developing those activities. And finally the key is in the House of the Fish (house 34) indicating once again a spiritual business. The House card is in the house of the Key, which is implying the security and the personal choice. I am indeed feeling very involved into this. I like to organize those little lessons for everyone to learn something out of it, and this is definitely something I would love to keep growing.

Again, I hope this workshop and examples are helping you !
Cheers, Jayce

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The Grand Tableau / Part 8

The last 4 cards in the Grand Tableau ( place 33, 34, 35 and 36) within the spread will give information about the next 4 to 6 weeks or so. First try to come up with a meaning for the cards located in 33 and 34, so the left part of that unit. And then, combine the right part of that unit, the 35 and 36 card. And finally, try to make a single storyline with the meanings of those 4 cards. Timing is indeed difficult to frame with cards but these 4 cards are about maximum the next 8 weeks.

Hope this helps,


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The Grand Tableau / Part 6

Hi there, the 6th post for the Grand Tableau will be locating the card of the querent.

After laying the 36 cards on the table, the first thing to do is to locate the place of the Querent. So the man (card 28) or the woman (card 29). The position within the spread already give some information.

Traditionally, the cards on the left of the querent’s position stands for the past and cards on the right are for the future. When the card is on the far left, it means the querent is very future oriented. In the picture, for example, this would be the case for the card 2 or 3. For the card number 2, the person is very future oriented. For the card 3, the past is told by the two cards on its left, and give away some informations that are still somewhat important to the querent.

For the card 4, the querent is influenced by the past, it still has a huge influence on him/her at the present. Unresolved issues are hinted here. This is the extreme case as there are no card on its right.

Whenever the card is on the lower part of the spread, such as card 5 or card 6, the querent may feel exhausted, has a lot on his/her shoulder. One doesn’t feel much control over things at the moment. And in that case, some other spreads might be used after the Grand Tableau of course, in order to seek how the querent could resolve that very problem.

On the contrary, if the card is within the first top line of the spread, card 1 on the picture : it is a sign of control. One has a good grip on things.

Remember, this is the way we read a book, from left to right, top to bottom. (Not in all parts of the world, I know …) The left of the querent = the past, the right of the querent = the future .

Hope this helps you in reading this spread,
to be continued of course 😀

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The Grand Tableau / Part 5

Still on the topic of the Grand Tableau, this is the 5th part already. This post will be the follow up post concerning the cards representing people in the spread. The fourth was about women, this one will be about men.

The Man card portrays the querent or the partner. A husband or a love relationship. When the querent is a single woman and wishes to know about the next relationship, the Man card is the first card to look at. Informations about him will be given by the surrounding cards.

As already posted in the fourth post about the Grand tableau : the card such as the Dog, the Anchor, the Heart, and also the Tree and the Coffin are important as they give extra informations. The dog means you know the person in one way or another. You might simply have heard about him, met him once or twice, you may not be that close, but he is not unknown to you. The anchor being the card about work, it can be a co-worker. The heart means loving or loved. The tree and the coffin are related to health, so it may represent your doctor for example.

The cards that portray the four Kings are next when it comes to represent men in the Grand Tableau.

The House (4) / King of Hearts : a good man, someone with a good heart. The family man. Someone beloved. May represent the next relationship, especially if the heart card is around it. If the card for family is standing next to it, the Lily, then, it represents someone like your brother, your uncle … About the same age as the querent, if the Lily is not around of course. The Lily can show the generation gap, or means “older”.

The Clouds (6) / King of Clubs : a man that can be difficult and temperamental. May stand as the key card for the ex partner. Some man who is a rival. There is though the possibility that this card represent the next relationship if the heart card is next to it. Again if the Lily is around : an uncle, a brother. Co-worker with the anchor etc … Also the stepfather might be represented by the cloud card.

The Lily (30) / King of Spades : a man who is older than the querent., for example the Father . Again may be the next relationship if the Heart is standing next to it though. Can also be the stepfather if the relationship with him is lived peacefully. If the relationship with the stepfather is perceived as being difficult, then he is represented by the clouds. Also, check if the dog is around : then it is a friend or it testifies of the friendliness. The anchor will show a co-worker etc …

the Fish (34) / King of Diamond : a man who is slightly younger than the querent. With the Heart card, a new lover. With the Lily : an uncle, brother … A friend with the Dog, a co-worker with the Anchor etc …

the Bear (15) : can be your boss, especially when the Tower is near. Can also be the grandfather.

Again, I hope this helps

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The Grand Tableau / Part 4

This post will be about the cards standing for people in the layout that is named the Grand Tableau. I will start with cards representing women. For previous post about the Grand Tableau, check the category on the right side of the page. This is the fourth post about this spread.

The Lady card (29) is pretty obvious of course, it represents the querent or the partner. A wife, or significant other. If single, the lady card will be the first one to look at, as being the next potential relationship for the querent. If you are doing the Grand Tableau for yourself, and you’re a woman; then the Woman card is always you.

A rule of thumb is to always look at the surrounding cards. The Dog will be an indication that you know about that person already. The Book on the contrary is the indication that you don’t know that person yet. Other cards to look at : the House and the Lily as they will show a family member. The Anchor will be for a co-worker. And finally, the Tree or the Coffin may show a doctor, a nurse …

Therefore, the Woman card will also represent a sister, an aunt, a family member : when the House or the Lily card are surrounding the woman card.

The next four cards representing a woman in the Grand Tableau are the cards that portrays the 4 Queens.

The Storks (17)/Queen of Hearts will stand for a woman around the same age as the querent, with a good heart. It actually may stand for a loved one, when the Heart card is around. Again it may represent a sister, an aunt whenever the House or the Lily are around. Co-worker, if the Anchor is there, etc … same as the woman card.

The Crossroads (22)/ Queen of Diamond is a younger woman than the querent, and can also stand as the new relationship if the Heart is standing close to it. Again look for the House or Lily card : and it will be a relative. If the Anchor is around, a co-worker.

The Bouquet (9) / Queen of Spades will be for a slightly older woman. Again if the Heart is around, it brings the potential of a new love relationship. The Bouquet can also be the mother in the Grand Tableau. If the Snake is next to it, it can actually show the step mother.

The Snake (7) /Queen of Clubs may represent a difficult woman but not always. It may actually represent an ex, a rival. A stepmother especially if she is perceived as being “difficult”. She also stands for a woman of great knowledge.

The Birds (12) may represents a couple. Traditionally the Birds represent a couple of elder people. And also the grand mother, an older woman.

Again, I hope you find this helpful in your learning of the cards,

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The Grand Tableau / Part 1

Hi there,

I am currently writing a book about the Lenormand and the Tarot, developing a part of the writing to the theory and other parts to case studies using different layouts.

This is the first post concerning The Grand Tableau. I’d love to develop the theory of this layout and later on make case studies using this layout. This spread is using all the cards of the lenormand deck. Needless to say, you can get a lot of informations from it but it isn’t the easiest. This spread is using several concepts all at ounce : theme cards, the principle of houses in the layout, the surrounding cards, diagonal readings of the cards and so on …. If you use it, note the cards you are getting in your diary of readings, and see later on what happens in your life, and how it was indicated in the layout. Chances are you will learn faster that way. Here below is the way you should put the cards on the table. First you shuffle the deck as much as you feel like, and then you cut the deck. Personally, I always take note of the cards in the cut; they seem to give a message, a hint, a clue about the reading. Then, you put both part together as one, and place all the cards on the table starting from the upper left, and going from left to right, top to bottom. Other posts will develop the theory for this specific layout.


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The Clover : a flash card

Hi there,

I have been looking around my diaries of readings to put other post about finances and love topic with the Lenormand deck. And I also played with the concept of flash cards that I am currently developing as a support for classes on this deck. The Rider as a flash card has been posted previously, and this time it is the Clover. On a funny note, everytime I see a clover, I think of marzipan. As a child I went to Germany and Austria around January and it is the tradition apparently to offer lucky charms such as a little pig, a horseshoe … That kind of things, in marzipan or chocolate. Usually around the pig or on the horseshoe, there is a clover of course … I also bought my first Zigeuner deck around that time. It is a little divination deck, very popular over there. I used it a lot and should post about that one too 😀

Anyway, here is the flash card I made around the Clover, hope you like it !

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Lenormand cards : a case study about finances

Here is another case study with the Lenormand cards. This time it is a reading about the querent’s financial situation. Basically the querent has been through a period of harsh financial times and wanted to know whether this would last or would improve !

The key card chosen was the card representing the cash flow, thus The Bear.

the Dog (18), The Snake (7), The Letter (27), the Bear (15), the Horseman (1), the Child (13), the Fish (34)

The cards on the left are representing the past troubles, especially with the Snake. The cards on the right though are showing that her cashflow is going to improve. The Rider shows the move about the topic, here money. The Child offers novelty, and/or something small. And finally the Fishes that may represent wealthier times ahead. We didn’t speak much about it, but the cards on the left seemed to imply a cheat around a contract, a deception around her activities. The Fish also might speak of a free lance activity, not an employee. Currently though, she is an employee …

It then surfaced that the querent wished to develop a project along her job and wasn’t sure that it would be beneficial financially. The querent wanted to keep her job at the time being (for safety) and start to develop her project on the side. So this is not about leaving a job abruptly, but going on smoothly from one level to another. This question asked was : Could that activity be interesting financially ?

That activity could only be developed as a free lance and not as an employee. Therefore the Fish was chosen.

the Clover (2), the Storks (17), the Child (13), The Fish (34), the Bear (15), The Horseman (1), the Key (33).

Only positive cards here. The Clover, the Storks and the Child seemed to say that the change would be making her very happy about it, and the Child means novelty but also small. Next to the Storks which means changes, this seems to be linked to our previous conversation around the first draw. The changes would be done step by step, in order to make things secure. (It is always nice to get clues like that, clues that are telling you that you are proceeding and reading the right way). The Key on the absolute right are giving an indication that there might be security to be found in the end. The Bear speaks about the financial aspect of the question of course, and also very positive here on the right side of the Fish, as it increases the potential for her to make money. (Bear means big). The Rider is yet another clue that money is indeed coming in ! And the Key is also a sign that this is the way to go for her. Being a free lance is what is going to be beneficial for her in the long run.

Hope you enjoyed this case analysis,

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Lenormand cards : animals

This is a post about little pets and bigger ones too 🙂 Some Lenormands cards can actually be related to animals and give you informations about them.

The obvious ones : the Dog ! And the Fish ! The Snake as well, of course. But the Snake may also stands for any kind of reptiles, geckos, … that kind of exotic animals. (Exotism is also indicated especially whenever the Ship is around). The Birds cards : little birds, poultry, owls … The Storks is for bigger birds. The Mice, apart for little mice, can be for hamsters, rats, weasel, beaver …
Maybe less obvious, the Fox can stands for Cats. For bigger animals the Bear is perfect. But the horse will be represented by the Rider.
The Tower may represent the refugee, the vet clinic. The Garden could be the place where you “train” the dog, or the horse. Actually, recently I had it in a reading and it stood for the zoo !


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